Todd H.
As a datapoint, I bought 100k/6yr/0deductible/GoldPlus plan for my
2001 from them [Curry Subaru, Chicopee, MA] for $1200 back in early
2003. The gamble (and extended warranties are a gamble) hasn't paid
off for me yet, but I've got another 30k to drive though.
I gambled, I lost.
That 30k mi is now down to about 600 miles. My car's in today with a
variety of nitty complaints fishing for the last ounces of value out
of the warranty, and nothing came of the fishing expedition.
o drivers door window squeaks mid-travel. Dx: worn weather
strip and rubber components requiring taking apart the door
and a part they don't stock. Est: $300. Not covered by
o groaning of rear wiper motor during cold weather. Claimed
it was my wiper blade and no noise made when wiper blade
lifted from glass. *sigh* The noise I experience is
indpeendent of that, but of course it's not cold today. I
wonder if having the complaint on record may help when it
does get cold.
o groan/squeak from rear strut when going over curbs or
speedbumps slowly. No problem found. Strut not leaking at
least, which is good news. Dunno if suspension would be
covered or not anyway.
o Broken retainer clip on rear headrest. $26. Interior trim
not covered.
So, despite a lot of early trips to service for various engine and
idle issues and it being relatively new in a subaru design cycle
(which motivated me to seek the extended coverage I normally turn
down), the car has been awfully damned reliable in it's mid-life. I
think I did get about $400 worth of repairs or so out of the warranty,
but nothing really to write home about.
So the warranty didn't pay off for me, for whatever that's worth in
the net.knowledgebase.
Happy subie-ing,