Odd trans "problem" not problem. Need help deciding

May 30, 2023
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Hi all I'm here with an interesting one to me. As I have never dealt with anything along this line at all.

I just recently came in to Possession of a 1999 subaru legacy outback 30year anniversary edition or what ever. It was converted to right hand drive long ago in its life. However about 6k miles ago had a full rebuild. Everything from the engine to trans fully rebuilt, however only once it has gotten warm and has been in gear for a little while the "front from what we can tell of the trans" starts to steam. Is this normal in a freshly rebuilt car? It never seems to lose any atf, or coolants always seems perfect, no oil problems just the trans steaming
Never has a problem warming up and sitting there staying warm but the moment it's warm and in gear for a few that's when it happens not it's not a terrible amount of steam or anything just enough to really notice it though
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So I found my problem, there's a exhaust leak right at the trans for the car so the smoke is just exhaust fumes

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