3rd Light Benefits?

.....and here's something that no amount of space in front of you will
help -- at least as far as someone coming up behind you. I was on the
PA turnpike yesterday and had just rounded a curve when some ASS in
front of me apparently needing to pull off on the right shoulder,
proceeded to brake....going down to about 30 mph before he pulled off.
Since I keep a huge distance between myself and the car in front, I
had no trouble slowing down, but behind me, coming 'round the bend,
were some huge SUV pigmobiles. I really thought I was going to get
rammed. I didn't. I was lucky that the drivers behind me were driving
alert -- not on their cell phones, digging into the candy corn,
reading a map or yelling at their kids--LOL. The guy pulling off on
the right was actually braking down his speed -- not like his car had
died or anything. These are the jerks that kill people. The road is
made so that you can pull off at 45 MPH, and if you don't do that, you
are really endangering yourself and others.

Timo said:
Just wanted to jump in to say (on behalf of my 17-year-old son) that I've
been tailgated by plenty of middle-aged men and women in my 35 years of
driving, not just teenagers. I've found that using the emergency flashers
works best to get the idiot off my tail.

You know how you can smell the sulphur from a lit match in the car ahead
you? I wish someone would invent a dispenser that could release some eau
de skunk out a special vent beside the license plate. Flashers combined
with some terrible odor would have a gradual pavlovian effect, don't you
think? Timo

This is a good idea. :) Get one of those joke shop stink-bombs and release
it from the rear of the vehicle... hrm..
Hey, that's MY idea! I've been toying with the thought of making one for
years now. You know, hit one button and "Back-off A--hole" scrolls across
the screen. Hit another one and it says "So pass me already, jerk"

Must be illegal, and that's why nobody marketed one yet. I'll concentrate on
the splatterless urinal design.
bob said:
Hey, that's MY idea! I've been toying with the thought of making one for
years now. You know, hit one button and "Back-off A--hole" scrolls across
the screen. Hit another one and it says "So pass me already, jerk"

Must be illegal, and that's why nobody marketed one yet. I'll concentrate on
the splatterless urinal design.

I know of someone who had rerouted the rear screen whasher fluid hose to
the tail pipe (he never used the washer). When a tailgater came real
close he would burry him in a cloud of stinking vapour. Seems vaporized
washer liquid does'nt smell roses.

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