Subaru Protection Plan Extended Warranty (Canada) - has anyone gotten it?


Aaron Flint

Hey all, I just got a letter in the mail about subaru protection plan, which
appears to be their extended warranty. My warranty is up in 4 months, and
I've been thinking about getting an extended warranty - our 2002 TS Wagon
will be 3 years old in December, but only has ~ 35,000km on it (we don't
drive far to work), and I prefer to have warranty for the mileage not age.

So, wondering if anyone else in Canada has signed up for the Subaru extended
warranty, and if so, has your experience been a good one? Or if you had a
bad experience, what was it? Also curious as to what the cost was - the
brochure is full of nice pictures, but not prices - how much did you pay,
and how much extra time did it cover?

Also curious about after-market extended warranties - better value than the
Subaru one, or not worth it?

Thanks all!
I usually say to myself... If they are willing to take the risk (extra
protection offered at XX dollars) than so am I. I don't go for the extended
warrenty. Those programs are money makers for the offerors - however if you
think you've bought a lemon then go for it.


So, wondering if anyone else in Canada has signed up for the Subaru extended
warranty, and if so, has your experience been a good one? Or if you had a
bad experience, what was it? Also curious as to what the cost was - the
brochure is full of nice pictures, but not prices - how much did you pay,
and how much extra time did it cover?

I had looked at the subaru extended warranty and decided to pass on it,
since it semed to have a lot of weasel clauses, or was very dependent on the
service managers opinion in your favour. Can't remember the price.

I would recomend that you ask for a copy of the actual contract (dealer
verbal opinion dosn't count for anything). Contact the number on the back
of their glossy brochure and ask for it if you have to. Read it carefully
to see if you can live with it for what they want for it. Its also high
margin with a negotiable price, so you may want to shop around -and deal
with managers directly so you don't have extra commisions worked into the

As DJay indicated on average they plan to make money on this, so if you
don.t have a cash flow problem with sudden large bills, you might be better
to be self-insuring. Over your life you will probably be farther ahead,
especially if you just dump the lemons.

F. Plant
F. Plant said:

I had looked at the subaru extended warranty and decided to pass on it,
since it semed to have a lot of weasel clauses, or was very dependent on the
service managers opinion in your favour. Can't remember the price.

I would recomend that you ask for a copy of the actual contract (dealer
verbal opinion dosn't count for anything). Contact the number on the back
of their glossy brochure and ask for it if you have to. Read it carefully
to see if you can live with it for what they want for it. Its also high
margin with a negotiable price, so you may want to shop around -and deal
with managers directly so you don't have extra commisions worked into the

As DJay indicated on average they plan to make money on this, so if you
don.t have a cash flow problem with sudden large bills, you might be better
to be self-insuring. Over your life you will probably be farther ahead,
especially if you just dump the lemons.

F. Plant

That's pretty much it. For me, I bought it because I have an STi; new
motor/turbo combo for 04. If something happens to the turbo, the cost is
higher than the extended warranty. I am on the highway contantly. If you
can afford a large bill for a sudden failure, then I wouldn't buy it.
However, it is like insurance. There are chances that you will never have
to use it, but when you do, its excellent to have.

Most companies that offer them have a good reputation for quality, or they
would lose their shirts. However, for the few who do have a major failure,
it is like buying peice of mind

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