Entertainment system with USB

Apr 21, 2024
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My 2024 Crosstrek's entertainment system doesn't read my 256gig USB flashdrive. I convert my music from .m4a to .mp3 and tried again, but it didn't work either. I then tried on another USB drive and only a few songs appears (even though there was a lot!). I then tried with 64 gig USB drive, one in .m4a then second in .mp3, but none of them worked. I'm completely lost here. I can't believe I have the option to read music from USB and that it doesn't work at all... Any idea about it?
mine will (briefly) see a large USB drive, plays a bit of mp3 music, but disconnects and then forgets it pretty quickly.
My 24 Crosstrek is okay with the USBs, but for some reason the car *might* keep the place in the play list or it might not. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. I've had it keep place over a 3 day weekend and other times it restarts at the begining over a lunch time. There's no way I can enjoy an audiobook unless I'm on a 10hr+ trip.
I thought maybe unplugging before turning the car off, shut down procedure change, turning the system on after the car is running - nope, nope, nope. I'll consider myself lucky, though, not to have the your issue. I hope there's an update that fixes it for you.

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