Entertainment system with USB

Apr 21, 2024
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My 2024 Crosstrek's entertainment system doesn't read my 256gig USB flashdrive. I convert my music from .m4a to .mp3 and tried again, but it didn't work either. I then tried on another USB drive and only a few songs appears (even though there was a lot!). I then tried with 64 gig USB drive, one in .m4a then second in .mp3, but none of them worked. I'm completely lost here. I can't believe I have the option to read music from USB and that it doesn't work at all... Any idea about it?
mine will (briefly) see a large USB drive, plays a bit of mp3 music, but disconnects and then forgets it pretty quickly.
My 24 Crosstrek is okay with the USBs, but for some reason the car *might* keep the place in the play list or it might not. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to it. I've had it keep place over a 3 day weekend and other times it restarts at the begining over a lunch time. There's no way I can enjoy an audiobook unless I'm on a 10hr+ trip.
I thought maybe unplugging before turning the car off, shut down procedure change, turning the system on after the car is running - nope, nope, nope. I'll consider myself lucky, though, not to have the your issue. I hope there's an update that fixes it for you.
I have an even worse issue with my 2024 Subaru Crosstrek Limited (literally, 2 days old).
I downloaded several albums to an SSK 256 GB USB memory stick. It worked perfectly on my Dell desktop PC for playback. BUT ... when I plug it into the USB 2.0 port on my Crosstrek and select USB source on the Media center ... the system does not "see" the USB memory stick at all! It simply reports "No Device Connected."
I'm still researching, but I've found no "fixes" and it is terribly disappointing!
How am I to listen to my excellent collection of music CDs with no CD player and no functional USB option?!
If I can't have music in this fine vehicle, I might serious consider returning it!
My 2024 Crosstrek's entertainment system doesn't read my 256gig USB flashdrive. I convert my music from .m4a to .mp3 and tried again, but it didn't work either. I then tried on another USB drive and only a few songs appears (even though there was a lot!). I then tried with 64 gig USB drive, one in .m4a then second in .mp3, but none of them worked. I'm completely lost here. I can't believe I have the option to read music from USB and that it doesn't work at all... Any idea about it?
i'm using a 128 gig Delkin drive, although probably only about 30 gig of *.mp3 music files, all in folders.
it takes a little while for the car to read the entire drive, but it works as expected on my fivester.
I use a 32GB USB stick formatted as "MS DOS FAT" and it works fine. On my other vehicles, they won't read anything larger than 32GB. Not sure if that's a constraint on the Subaru too.
Want to reiterate what Sophocles said above: if you have a huge drive, it will absolutely take a few minutes for the stereo to recognize it, scan all of the songs, and populate the UI. Be patient. Alternatively, only transfer the music you really like onto the USB stick and it'll all go much faster.
With help from you all, I now can use a smaller USB memory stick, formatted in NTFS, to listen to MY classic rock & roll song list mixes in my 2024 Subaru Crosstrek Limited! Thank you, all!
Two points: (1). Apparently my 256 GB SSK memory stick was just too big for the system; I got four new 64 GB Sandisk memory sticks and they work; and (2). While the 64 GB memory stick formatted NTFS works fllawlessly, another 64 GB memory stick formatted in exFAT did NOT work. Not sure about one formatted in FAT32, as my older Dell desktop PC doesn't "do" formatting in FAT32.
Several friends have also suggested that I use a "Spotify" account to create and play multiple personal play lists and eliminate the need for even using a memory stick. Similarly, others have recommended so using a "Pandora" account. Will be looking into that.
Once again ... thank you to you all for your excellent input and suggestions! It all worked!
Formatting using the "MS-DOS(FAT)" option results in a thumb drive identified as "FAT32" so I'm guessing they're interchangeable terms. (I'm on a Mac, just FYI). ExFAT did not work.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 2.43.15 PM.png
In this day and age, it's inexcusable that the music system in the Subaru Crosstrek can not read a file larger than 32gigs.
i actually appreciate my 2013 Porsche's owner manual on this topic, which basically said "we are not sure what size USB will work in this car".. so i use an old ipod without hassles.
I've retrieved my iPod from the dust bin and found that it still works. Problem solved, I guess......

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