Subaru Ignition Wires - problem



I just changed my ignition wires. This was a maintence issue, the car
ran fine. But now the car starts by then stalls & I hear a ticking
sound under the dashboard. Any Ideas?
LazyRussian said:
I just changed my ignition wires. This was a maintence issue, the car
ran fine. But now the car starts by then stalls & I hear a ticking
sound under the dashboard. Any Ideas?

Forget to hook the big vacuum line back up to the air intake track? I'd
start looking for obvious stuff like that first.
Forget to hook the big vacuum line back up to the air intake track? I'd
start looking for obvious stuff like that first.

Thanks!! You were right. The only other thing now is that ticking
sound. IT's actually my hazards & I can't shut it off? THis is
computer related because it saw an emissions problem? If I just
disconnect the battery for 15 min will it re-set?

THanks again!
Try your remote, it may be BECAUSE you disconnected the battery - or
otherwise made the system's security system freak out. I THINK just
using the remote clears it - maybe someone else will post.

1 Lucky Texan

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