Stormtroopers And Gestapo Turned Loose In New Orleans

Heres a quote from Guns & Violence, The English Experience

Historically, America has had a high homicide rate and England a low one. In
a comparison of New York and London over a 200-year period, during most of
which both populations had unrestricted access to firearms, historian Eric
Monkkonen found New York's homicide rate consistently about five times
London's. Monkkonen pointed out that even without guns, "the United States
would still be out of step, just as it has been for two hundred years."

Legal historian Richard Maxwell Brown has argued that Americans have more
homicides because English law insists an individual should retreat when
attacked, whereas Americans believe they have the right to stand their
ground and kill in self-defense. Americans do have more latitude to protect
themselves, in keeping with traditional common law standards, but that would
have had less significance before England's more restrictive policy was
established in 1967.
It appears the English society is indeed becoming increasingly violent,
however Murder and Rape by gun in the USA still far outstrips any other
country in the world.
And as the British population continues to become less homogeneous crime
will increase. As the British import people who are not historically
British, and have no sense of community, crime will increase. It's not
British people who are committing the gun crime. It's West Indian and
African gangs. Why? No sense of history, no sense of community. Homogeneous
societies tend to have less violent crime. That, of course, is excepting the
wild west. But living in a land of very little law enforcement, desperate
conditions, AND lots of whiskey would tend to do that.
Grolsch said:
Yeah, British firearm crime has skyrocketed to roughly 8% of the american

At what tiny percentage of the US population. Guess what? The American
murder rate with fists and feet is higher than the British rate, also.
America is a violent place, but most of our violent crime occurs within
distinct racial groups. There is a lot of black on black crime, hispanic on
hispanic crime, black on hispanic crime, hispanic on black crime, hispanic
on white crime, and black on white crime. There is white on white crime,
primarily domestic. Not a lot of white on black or white on hispanic crime.
That's just how it is. Care to guess where the British gun crime occurs?
Outside of the occasional soccer riot, the genetic British are pretty law
abiding people. Want to know where there is very little violent crime in the
US? East Indians, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese. There is some gang activity in
the Asian community, and their gangs are really bad guys, but statistically
very small.
Grolsch said:
It appears the English society is indeed becoming increasingly violent,
however Murder and Rape by gun in the USA still far outstrips any other
country in the world.

If we were to send the people who commit those crimes to Great Britain,
their crime rate would skyrocket. It's a demographic thing.
In Mortimer Schnurd said:
Why is it that no one seems to notice that not ALL of Louisiana was
destroyed. West and North of Baton Rouge is OK.
Here is the real question.....
Why is it that no one from New Orleans is being relocated THERE???????

Actually there are a number of folks from NO relocating to Baton Rouge area.
there was a piece on the news a couple days ago about a teacher from New
Orleans who would be teaching in Baton rouge because the number of relocated
children was so high they needed to hire more teachers.


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Gooserider said:
No, he's referring to the die-hard holdouts who are refusing to be
evacuated. I saw footage of an old white lady being dragged from her home.
It's a shame. I don't think I would want to live in a city filled with such
disarray and filth, but it should be the homeowner's choice. They need to be
left to their own devices, however. If they choose to stay, then no help.

Really? Because all residents were advised to evacuate before the hurricane
hit. Two days later they are lined up in the streets complaining that no
one is
helping them (now that the roads are too flooded to get to them) and the
is appalled at how they were left to their own devices. So, would
everyone really say tough luck old lady when the news choppers went by next
week and saw her lying on the porch in dire need of help? or would we be
blaming the president for not personally rescuing her?
AguaGirl said:
Really? Because all residents were advised to evacuate before the
hurricane hit. Two days later they are lined up in the streets
complaining that no one is
helping them (now that the roads are too flooded to get to them) and
the public
is appalled at how they were left to their own devices. So, would
everyone really say tough luck old lady when the news choppers went
by next week and saw her lying on the porch in dire need of help? or
would we be blaming the president for not personally rescuing her?

If it was the "old white lady" I saw, they only "dragged her from her home"
because she had a pistol in her hand (only was on camera for a second or
two). I don't think they've /generally/ started evicting by force (yet).
Mortimer Schnurd said:
Here is the real question.....
Why is it that no one from New Orleans is being relocated THERE???????
Notice how neighboring states are NOT taking them.....Texas excluded?
Wonder why?

Not true. There was a good article on this in the WSJ Thursday or Friday.
Iowa set up facilities for 1,000 and have gotten nobody. There were many
other midwestern and eastern site listed where local authorities are
prepared, but either nobody or a trickle has arrived.

It's probably some combination of bad logistics and the fact that people
prefer not to evacuate too far.
I was disgusted and shocked to watch video of armed stormtroopers and
gestapo pointing weapons at innocent Americans.
Their mission: to drag people out of their homes. I remember seeing
clips and hearing about the same thing in nazi germany.
I really hope that people begin fighting back against the nanny state
now a police state. People able to live okay should be left alone. Why
would they want to be penned up with all the animals removed from New
Orleans. I'm saddened to be an American right now.

One thing liberals are great at is calling people "stormtroopers" or
"gestapo". If you ever had to deal with the real stormtroopers or gestapo
you would not be so loose with the language.

Nazi Germany? Hurricanes? The gestapo going house to house with
stormtroopers to save people? Am I missing something?

The fact is, I agree with your comment about the house to house search. If
people are so stupid that they stay in New Orleans and die, good for them.
But what about civil disorder. The looters? The criminals?

And what about disease. Do you think an outbreak of contagion is a good

Your shocked about house to house searches. I'm shocked that the mayor of
New Orleans hasn't been thrown in jail for failure to protect his citizens.

One thing liberals are great at is calling people "stormtroopers" or
"gestapo". If you ever had to deal with the real stormtroopers or gestapo
you would not be so loose with the language.

Another thing they are good at is becoming ultra conservatives when
they or their family become victims of violent crime. I've heard more
than one ACLU type forget about a criminal's rights after their wife
or daughter was raped, after a robbery, and not just at the scene but
all the way through the trial and sentencing. Some of our most
liberal judges, who would sentence adult rapists to probation became
"Hang them high" judges after becoming victims.
One thing liberals are great at is calling people "stormtroopers" or
"gestapo". If you ever had to deal with the real stormtroopers or
you would not be so loose with the language. <<

I am not a liberal. I am an American. The pioneer spirit of making it
on the frontier is what built America. Those who stayed and are making
a comfortable living should be awarded medals. It's those who ran away
and now expect the government and everyone else to care for that should
have guns pointed at them. Years of "entitlements" have turned too
many people into useless pets. Those with courage, spirit, and honor
are the targets of persecution. I do fear that this whole NO thing is
just a test run for the
government to practice its takeover and repression of honest Americans
that I see on the horizon.
"gestapo". If you ever had to deal with the real stormtroopers or
you would not be so loose with the language. <<

I am not a liberal. I am an American. The pioneer spirit of making it
on the frontier is what built America. Those who stayed and are making
a comfortable living should be awarded medals. It's those who ran away
and now expect the government and everyone else to care for that should
have guns pointed at them. Years of "entitlements" have turned too
many people into useless pets. Those with courage, spirit, and honor
are the targets of persecution. I do fear that this whole NO thing is
just a test run for the
government to practice its takeover and repression of honest Americans
that I see on the horizon.

for every "pioneer" who stayed and is willing to fend for themselves
there are 100 who were flooded out and are yelling at their elected
officials for not helping them fast enough. All 101 of them vote...who
do you think is going to elect the government. It's not a matter of the
govt butting in and taking over our lives, it's a matter of us handing them
over on a silver platter. The thing about democracy is...majority rules.
You might want to try a 3rd world country though, I hear they get left
to their own devices on pretty much everything.

Point taken, I should have said 101 of them are ABLE to vote.
The premisis is the same. As much as we complain about
interference we do tend to look to government to fix whatever
ails us.
I was disgusted and shocked to watch video of armed stormtroopers and
gestapo pointing weapons at innocent Americans.
Their mission: to drag people out of their homes. I remember seeing
clips and hearing about the same thing in nazi germany.
I really hope that people begin fighting back against the nanny state
now a police state. People able to live okay should be left alone. Why
would they want to be penned up with all the animals removed from New
Orleans. I'm saddened to be an American right now.

Were these troops forcibly removing their bicycles, confiscating their
Subarus, canceling their travel cruises, or shooting their GI-Joes?
How is this even slightly relevant to these news groups?

"Innocent" Americans, hardly describes the ones I saw getting guns pointed
at them???

We're also saddened that you are an American, if in fact you really are

Look everyone, a government shill. Notice the lack of proper punctuation. Notice the love of

Goodbye asshole. -Danny

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