long post sorry
In a few days im buying a rs impreza mocked up to look like a wrx only problem is while im confident on cars in general this is my first subie n i dont know many or any specifics at all.(other then a new clutch as been put in and it has 200 thou or so kms) If anyone could tell me anything about what model/trim/year/engine/code or literally anything so i have some info of what im looking at and can do research and have a idea of what to look out for when i look at the car and can do me research on what to do with it and not make mistakes. And also any useful rs impreza info n tips at all . (Dont mind me bad grammer im aussie lol)
In a few days im buying a rs impreza mocked up to look like a wrx only problem is while im confident on cars in general this is my first subie n i dont know many or any specifics at all.(other then a new clutch as been put in and it has 200 thou or so kms) If anyone could tell me anything about what model/trim/year/engine/code or literally anything so i have some info of what im looking at and can do research and have a idea of what to look out for when i look at the car and can do me research on what to do with it and not make mistakes. And also any useful rs impreza info n tips at all . (Dont mind me bad grammer im aussie lol)