2023 Eyesight following distance

Dec 29, 2021
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What is the longest following distance I can set on the Eyesight system? Is it a time interval or distance interval? Is it related to speed?
Distance. There are radar transponders in the front bumper that detect the vehicle you're following and you set the distance. My guess from my experience using it is that the longest distance you can set behind the vehicle you're following is approximately 200 feet. You set the cruising speed you want to maintain.
https://mycardoeswhat.org/deeper-learning/adaptive-cruise-control/#:~:text=Most ACC systems will work down to about 25 MPH.&text=ACC systems allow you to,, medium, or long distance.
Interesting article..Thanks. It seems to me that 200 feet is not enough at highway speeds to avoid hitting the car in front of you, certainly not enough on wet roads. Assuming the car in front of you gets hit head on by a similar weight vehicle and they both stop moving immediately, me behind them with Eyesight will run into them. I am pretty sure Subaru did not design Eyesight for that rare accident. Subaru probably assumed that the car in front would never stop immediately, it would have forward travel during it's braking interval.
If the maximum distance you can set is indeed 200 feet, then I agree that it's not much, especially if you're doing 75mph. I was using it today and had my distance set to maximum and tried to approximate the distance. It was pretty close to six car lengths, that's all. Maybe seven, tops. That would make sense since the rule of thumb is 1 car length per ten mph. I was doing 65mph so 6-7 car lengths would be correct, each car being 10 feet.
If the maximum distance you can set is indeed 200 feet, then I agree that it's not much, especially if you're doing 75mph. I was using it today and had my distance set to maximum and tried to approximate the distance. It was pretty close to six car lengths, that's all. Maybe seven, tops. That would make sense since the rule of thumb is 1 car length per ten mph. I was doing 65mph so 6-7 car lengths would be correct, each car being 10 feet.
At 70mph, 200 feet is about 2 seconds. This feels like a comfortable distance to me but allows people to easily cut in.

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