Subaru electric R1e

suburboturbo said:
Zero emissions and a quick charge aren't negatives, but it's just
blowing a huge R & D investment to stay on the green radar. They've
got a captive audience for practical AWD cars and the technology to
build something useful instead of a micro with a 50 mile range.

Not as big a thing as you make it, according to the article the R1e is
just an electrified version of a "home market" microcar.
Not as big a thing as you make it, according to the article the R1e is
just an electrified version of a "home market" microcar.

I guess. Still, even in the home market that short range really
limits its appeal. In the US its competition would be meter-maid
suburboturbo said:
I guess. Still, even in the home market that short range really
limits its appeal. In the US its competition would be meter-maid

Add meter readers, courier services, pizza delivery places with their
own vehicles, etc etc etc.

Have you ever driven a Cushman in snow? Tain't fun!
Add meter readers, courier services, pizza delivery places with their
own vehicles, etc etc etc.

Have you ever driven a Cushman in snow? Tain't fun!

No, but we did attempt to stuff as many people as possible onto one
(we had the mini-flatbed) and still have it move under its own power?
I think we got up to 7. Wonder how much permanent damage that caused.

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