Car Talk and premium gas

JD said:
However, every now and again we get the question as to whether you can burn
low-grade gas in a high-performance engine. The answer is, of course, no.
But if someone is asking, it means they don't know and so I can't let go
when I see someone give those people a bullshit answer that could leave them
in a real pickle.

Which is exactly why I was so surprised to hear Tom and Ray,
2 MIT grads with a lifetime of practical auto experience,
say it was an unqualified waste. I expect them to catch
some flack over it...

fine. It just bothers me when some people who are trying to feel an
ego boost " my car is high performance" are led to believe "damage
will result" which is just not true. Does slight occasional pinging
cause damage? Probably not IMO.


That horse died long ago. How long you gonna keep beatin' it? Whether
it's your opinion or not, the damage is real. Take apart a few engines
that have suffered from "pinging" and report back...

Your opinion; which you have already shown isn't worth that much, since it
leads to bad conclusions that can result in very real negative consequences.

To me 4 cyl are economical and regardless of how quick a car might be
there is nothing like the rumble of a v8.
Oil costs the same so weight is not a factor in cost. Longevity is a
matter of design and maintenance not oil weight or cost. My 86 Dodge
daytona got whatever oil was cheapest. Ran over 100k but dodge
quality came into play and it was needing ,major work (not engine).
94 Trooper used syn blend and ran to 140+k til hit. 04 outback used
full syn since about 7k. Usually walmart super tech - $13 for 5 qts
SL rated full syn. I have no doubt I can get high mileage out of
subie but will probably trade next year if Wrangler Unlimited is sold
in yellow or better colors than available now and to allow kinks to be
worked out. If someone wants to put premium in their car thats
fine. It just bothers me when some people who are trying to feel an
ego boost " my car is high performance" are led to believe "damage
will result" which is just not true. Does slight occasional pinging
cause damage? Probably not IMO. If I get 8+ years from a vehicle
with no major repair bills, I'm happy. After a point I choose to buy
a new car rather than put money into an old one but thats my choice.
I just cannot in good conscience give those oil companies a cent more
than I have to. Iwalk and cycle to handle most errarnds. so I will
not buy a higher grade of gas for $3-5 a tank extra.
My 2 1/2 year old Forester has always pinged annoyingly on acceleration.
Last Autumn, my gas station was out of regular and sold premium for the
regular price. I noticed the car stopped pinging.

Since then it seems to ping less, even on regular. I know this is
anecdotal, and confounded by another large variable: perhaps the cool
Minnesota weather caused the change. I'll know soon.

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