security system: warning mode vs. alarm mode



can anyone help me with the difference between alarm mode and warning mode
on the security system? supposedly there us a warning mode which senses
low impact movement and emits a 2 warning sounds. my 99 outback does not
seem to be set to this mode, and i would like to change it...??????
It depends on whether your alarm has a dual-stage shock sensor, and
how it is adjusted. If you have this type of sensor, it should be
adjusted so that a light impact triggers a warning chirp and a heavier
impact triggers a full alarm. If you have the manual it should tell
you if you have such a setup.
thanks for the info: do you know where the switch might be located on my
car?? the manual does NOT, as far as i can find, say where it is, only
makes a reference to it. i live in mexico and there are no subarus here,
so i cant go to the dealer for help, thanks agian -david
thanks for the info: do you know where the switch is located?? i can not
find any info in the manual on this, only a vague reference that it
exists, nothing on how to arm it. thanks again

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