Subaru Owners Opinions Needed



I'm putting together a new consumer site to help people choose
the right
car. There is no advertising on the site. There is a satisfaction
survey for car
owners to rate their cars. We need input from Subaru owners. The
takes about 5 minutes and the link is

If you love your Subaru, or hate it, or are somewhere in the
please take the survey. The more people that take the survey for
different cars, the more useful the results will be. If you have any
problems with the survey or suggestions for the site, please feel free
to send me an email.

Best regards,
FrankW said:
I'm putting together a new consumer site to help people choose
the right
car. There is no advertising on the site. There is a satisfaction
survey for car

here we go again...... didnt put anything "Together", it's a generic
"Survey" site and more than likely *YOU* get paid per "hit".

Well......**** OFF you spammer, your as welcome as a fucking
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(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)

here we go again...... didnt put anything "Together", it's a generic
"Survey" site and more than likely *YOU* get paid per "hit".

it's worth a look. the defaults are tastefully selected for you:
marital status? single
level of edication? middle school
name? Ahmed
sex? twice a day
male or female? male or female. twice a day!
Unfortunately on May 17, 10:36 am, "Bob's Backfire Burrito"

here we go again...... didnt put anything "Together", it's a generic
"Survey" site and more than likely *YOU* get paid per "hit".

Actually, I wrote the site myself, and am not getting paid per hit, or
at all for that matter.

The purpose of the site is as stated - to help people make better
decisions when they
buy a car. Aside from the survey, the content includes analysis of
the cost of different
financing options and tips on negotiating with a dealer.

The internet is an open place - some of us actually try to contribute
value - others like
"Bob" just likes to shout.
Unfortunately on May 17, 10:36 am, "Bob's Backfire Burrito"

Actually, I wrote the site myself, and am not getting paid per hit, or
at all for that matter.

The purpose of the site is as stated - to help people make better
decisions when they
buy a car. Aside from the survey, the content includes analysis of
the cost of different
financing options and tips on negotiating with a dealer.

The internet is an open place - some of us actually try to contribute
value - others like
"Bob" just likes to shout.

if i were you i'd default to "no opinion" or "undecided"
or "N/A" or "no value to me" as the default value for all comboboxes
so that you can easily tell which ones users bothered to change
and which ones they skimmed right over which could be a tell tale
sign of a problem with that part of the quiz.
right now the validation is per section rather than per question
actually probably you need a few more entries:
N/A as default (no user input)
no value (useless question from the user's perspective)
no opinion (valid question but user does not care)
undecided (user did ponder the question at some point
but still does not have an opinion)
Why the question of whether or not the person taking the survey owns a
condo, and the value of it?

if i were you i'd default to "no opinion" or "undecided"
or "N/A" or "no value to me" as the default value for all comboboxes
so that you can easily tell which ones users bothered to change
and which ones they skimmed right over which could be a tell tale
sign of a problem with that part of the quiz.
right now the validation is per section rather than per question
actually probably you need a few more entries:
N/A as default (no user input)
no value (useless question from the user's perspective)
no opinion (valid question but user does not care)
undecided (user did ponder the question at some point
but still does not have an opinion)

The default for the "How satisfied are you" questions is Neutral,
which is interpreted as no opinion or I don't care. The combo boxes
also have a Not Applicable option. So far, most of the people
taking the survey generally like their cars, but there are areas
that they could like better. We're working on better survey results
code and hope to have it up in the next week or so.

Thank you very much for your comments!
Why the question of whether or not the person taking the survey owns a
condo, and the value of it?

One area we're looking at is to put up a car buyer's page that will
ask a bunch of questions about what's important to them and return
cars that others found most satisfying. The statistics section at the
end of the survey will let us match buyers to similar owners. All of
those questions are optional. And the survey is totally anonymous,
we don't collect your email address or name.

Thank you very much!

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