Oil in Gas tank

Nov 9, 2024
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My daughters X dumped old oil into her gas tank and she drove it (1/2 mile) and it stalled out. I had it towed to my house, what should i do? Do I need to replace fuel filter, injectors, remove gas tank?
After removing rear seat, and fuel pump, i was able to siphon out most of the gas from this location. I used a sponge to get what I could not siphon. (There is a very sharp ridge inside the top of the tank that I was able to slice my wrist requiring stitches). I added 2 gallons of clean gas slowly sponging it out as it was put in, to clean out the tank. I pulled and cleaned injectors and then blew out the lines from the fuel pump to the injectors, changed plugs. I have not tried starting it yet as I think I need to add more gas and blow the lines again. In a gallon container there was about a 1/2" of oil on top and a white substance on the bottom which is most likely sugar.
Was finally able to fix the car - Went to junk yard for reconnaissance mission on how to remove gas tank (no way was this going to happen) Plan B - I removed the fuel pump passenger side (6" hole here) and the fuel level sensor on drivers-side (4" hole). I then sacrificed my shop vac and was able to suck out all the remaining residue. I poured 3 more gallons of gas into the tank and vacuumed this out. I poured a 1/2 gallon of isopropyl alcohol into the tank via the normal fuel tank inlet and 1/2 gallon directly into the tank on the drivers-side via the 4" hole. I vacuumed all this out and put in 3 more gallons of gas and vacuumed this out. I then disconnected the main gas line right before it get's distributed to the fuel injectors and by turning key off and on pumped out another 2 gallons of gas to clean the lines. The gas kept getting cleaner the more gas I pumped through. It was still a little darker than normal but I had run out of containers (and patience) to store the old gas in. I replaced the fuel pump and fuel level sensor from local Pull-N-Pay for $51. I then removed the new spark plugs that I had installed and sprayed WD-40 into each cylinder and then blew each one out with a compressor. I cleaned the fuel injectors
. I then turned the car over and it would not start, after stepping on the gas, 3rd try the car started and sounds really good. My thought is to drive it for the next few months only adding 5 gallons of gas at a time and put in an additive each time to try and clear out the remaining oil that may be hiding in the tank and hopefully it will eventually burn this off. All in all, probably about 40 hrs spent on this project. I learned a lot and no regrets. Now that I know what I'm doing, could do it all in a day. I have over 15 gallons of tainted gas that I've found a place that will take it for $50. Changing the spark plugs on this Legacy is one of the most difficult tasks of all noted.

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