Need help buying a car

Jun 6, 2022
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I've found an 07' Impreza 2.5 with ~180k miles and the owner claims it had new head gaskets 5k miles ago. I've never owned a Subaru and never an Impreza either. I'm here asking for help on purchasing this listing because I don't know anything about the brand nor the make of the car and I've never worked with cars (But I'm looking for something to work on to learn)

This would be my first car that I've fully owned, I own an 09' Camry currently which is an Automatic and I also owned a 98' Camry, also Automatic. I've got enough training to drive a manual give or take some persistent practice. I've never worked with cars before, the most I've done is fully replace both headlight assemblies on my 98' Camry lmao plus I own nearly 0 tools or jacks. I want something to work on so I can learn too.

I'm looking for a car with a manual and a little more power than what I have. I want something that has good upgradability and reliability. I'm soon going to college so reliability is pretty important to me so I don't have to pay for maintenance super often and I don't plan on doing any kind of spending on it other than maintenance for likely the first 6 months.

In short, my biggest concerns / questions are; Is an 07' Impreza 2.5 an affordable commuter for a little while, do I have much space for making the car a project (making it faster and so on), how often do the head gaskets go out on a stock 07' Impreza 2.5 in miles?

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