I've got a '98 Outback Legacy with 170,000 miles on it. Being a 98 it
suffers from a loud piston slap for the first 10 minutes of running
until it reaches normal operating temperature. This noise can be very
annoying - it gets many stares especially in busy parking lots. Would
running 15W50 help this at all or would it just cause other problems
for the engine? Until this point I've been running Valvoline Max Life
5w30 since I got the car (at 159,000). Any help would be appreciated
- thanks.
suffers from a loud piston slap for the first 10 minutes of running
until it reaches normal operating temperature. This noise can be very
annoying - it gets many stares especially in busy parking lots. Would
running 15W50 help this at all or would it just cause other problems
for the engine? Until this point I've been running Valvoline Max Life
5w30 since I got the car (at 159,000). Any help would be appreciated
- thanks.